Monday, July 21, 2008

DFA Workshop - Easter Window Display 2008 July 19


Window Display for Floral Shop - Easter

Team members : Shirley, Suzanne, Keith and myself

Back-drop display - by Keith

Hand-tied Bouquet - by Suzanne (bottom)

Festival Floral "Cross" - by Shirley (middle of the table)

Vase Floral - parallel - by Shirley (left hand side of the table)

Triangle Floral in container - by Polly (right hand side of the table)

P.S. Special thanks to Shirley and Keith who have arranged breads (second item on the table) and rabbits (mechanical and hand-made paper) which enhanced the festival theme ^-^ After a hard-day workshop, with Shirley thoughtful arrangement, Oliver bread is best for tea-break.

Let's take a look of other teams' display, see if you can figure it out what theme it is?

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